Welcome to St Lawrence and St Peter

We’re so glad that you have found us. Our parish is now in an ‘interregnum’ - the period between our previous Rector moving on and a new minister being appointed.

Our worship services continue as usual throughout this time, but do check the blue ‘Sunday Services’ button below as there may be some changes week by week.

If you need to contact us, an email to towerandsteeple@gmail.com will get directed to the right person, who will get back to you. If you’d like to speak to someone about Sunday services, baptisms, weddings, funerals or a pastoral visit, please contact one of our churchwardens or lay ministers -

St Peter’s

Churchwardens - Roy Langman 07767 780872 Lin Hutchinson 01892 458419

Licensed Lay Minister - Allan Jonnes 07941 807522

St Lawrence’s

Churchwardens - Bob Gibson 01892 544067 Ed Dix-Perkin 07919 025172

Licensed Lay Minister - Pippa Hillen 07730 162816

We meet every week for worship at both churches in our parish - the ancient towered church of St Lawrence nestled on a hilltop in Bidborough and the graceful steeple of St Peter gazing across Southborough Common. There is lots going on in our church family life - please enjoy a browse around our website, and newcomers are always welcome at all our events.

Service details below

Here is Ray on the 9th February

And here is our 16th February service

Here is the service from 23rd February. Its a little bit foggy due to the recorder lens misting up.

Here is our service from 2 March.

Here is the communion service of 9 March 2025 - a gloriously sunny day outside.

Here is the service from 16th March.

Here is the service from 23rd March