Over the past few years we have loved taking the church outside into God’s good creation for family-friendly worship plus craft activities and other adventures.

There are monthly Sunday morning events at St Peter Southborough, and monthly Sunday afternoon events which usually alternate between St Peter and St Lawrence Bidborough. Please dress for the weather, and wellies are recommended!

More info about our morning Forest Church Sunday School at St Peter's 

Once a month during our St Peter 10am service, the children enjoy fun outdoor activities while exploring biblical themes. Our churchyard stretches into the woods, giving us a safe woodland space where the children learn outdoor skills as well as perseverance, teamwork and sharing. We have made shelters, wooden name badges, mud faces on trees and even fire, supervised by a Forest School trained teacher. Suitable for ages 4 and above, and younger children are welcome too if accompanied by a parent.

More info about our afternoon Forest Church services

We meet each month for a short time of worship at 3pm, followed by outdoor craft activities and adventures. We usually alternate between our two churches, but sometimes we are hosted by lovely friends at a couple of our local farms (Four Winds and Juddwood). We enjoy woodland walks, scavenger hunts, team competitions, plus plenty of mud, sticks, fire etc, and finish off with cakes and biscuits. Children remain the responsibility of their parents at all times.

For further information, please email email towerandsteeple@gmail.com

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Forest Church at Four Winds Farm during the pandemic - on socially distanced haybales

Forest Church at St Peter